
To the 7 Habits


The Sitcom

The COVID-19 pandemic could put us away but not send us apart! The 7 Habits Sitcom is based on the 7 Habits which are mentioned in Stephen Covey’s Book ie: “7 Habits of Highly Effective people”

What is the show like

The show is a combination of emotions it starts off with a sad tone eventually turning into a humorous one. This Show is entirely shot and edited while every single person involved in the production is sitting kilometers apart. The show will tell you all you need to know about the seven habits while keeping you entertained! This show is in partnership With ‘The Leader In Me’ programme. The 7 Habits Sitcom is Available on Youtube and Facebook, Sit Back and Enjoy!

What is the story

It starts off with jake as a 4th year pass out looking for a job while his elder brother Kelvin is already hired. A series of unfortunate events takes place with Jake, first his dad, then his brother and then his job. He overcomes the bad times with the methodolgy of the seven habits. Thoughts of Stephen Covey make the charachters better people. Seven Episodes for seven habits!!

People Behind This

Script by- Harsh Gauswami & Sashvat Srivastava
Produced by- Harsh Gauswami
Directed by - Sashvat Srivastava
Storyline by - Sashvat Srivastava & Harsh Gausawami
Narrated by- Chirhan Amin
Edited by- Sashvat Srivastava
Co-produced by- Geetika Punjabi & Gaurav Punjabi

Our Ideologies

Ideology 1

The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People

We went through all of the 7 habits as a part of our TLIM Programme, we realized that all of the habits were highly applicable in real life scenarios and we must not let them go in vain!


Ideology 2

The Leader In Me Programme

Over the years, The Leader In me Programme has helped us evolved into a better version of ourselves, The show is also in partnership with the TLIM programme

About Us

Who are we?

Sashvat Srivastava - Script Writer, Director, Editor, Protagonist
Harsh Gauswami - Script Writer, Producer, Actor
Chirhan Amin - Narrator
Gaurav Punjabi - SubProducer, Actor
Geetika Punjabi - SubProducer, Actor
Shivang Gajjar - Actor, CoEditor
Kohana Sinha - Actor
Rajvi Jani - Actor
Yash Bafna - Actor

Contact info


+91 9974411660




